Welcome to ExtremeMULEing!

The M.U.L.E. Game Tournament Database on the Web
Having played numerous M.U.L.E. tournaments since autumn 1985, we decided in August 2002 to keep record of our tournaments and provide detailed statistics on the internet.
With the help of our event statistics, you may be able to figure when certain events in the game are most likely to happen, or in which month a certain player might receive or lose a plot of land.
Besides, there's also our winner statistics which of course is not as interesting (from my point of view, being the blue player).

Playing M.U.L.E. back in '91
While the Tournaments section has detailled information on what happend in each tournament and who won, the section Success Stories illustrates a couple of selected M.U.L.E. tournaments, partially unveiling our strategy and wickedness.
And do not miss our polls! There are 20 questions concerning your way to play M.U.L.E.
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